

Welcome to Lostledan 
Mrs Bandara

Class Teacher

Miss Rockall

Support Staff

Mrs Fryer

Support Staff

This afternoon the children continued to practice their DT skills in our Wild Tribe session by building a shelter for a mouse. Their shelter had to meet the specification of a design criteria. All shelters had to be sturdy and withstand the wind; be big enough for a mouse, have a way in and out and be cosy. The children showed great team work, resilience and creativity. Some decided to build a tree house, others a hammock and some shelters even came with little beds and a bench “for the other mice to come to tea”.
A huge thank you to the families who attended our post-phonics reading lesson this morning - we loved having you join us and hope you find it useful to see how reading is taught beyond the phonics programme!
Magic beans, a WANTED poster and captivating footage of a mysterious beanstalk in our local woods has caused a lot of conversation amongst the year one children this week! I wonder what their new novel study could be...
We’ve learnt to identify the primary and second colours within the colour wheel and then explored the skills of mixing using rollers and mixing using folding techniques before applying our skills to create our own piece.
We've been exploring using compasses to locate and identify human and physical features on a map of our local playground. 
Teamwork, wellbeing and friendship are just a few of the things our children love about the return of Wild Tribe. Mrs Bandara's class LOVED taking their learning into the woods this week!