Mrs Sara Schofield
Parent Support Advisor
What is a Parent Support Advisor?
Parenting isn't easy and at times, things can get tough. As a Parent Support Advisor (PSA), I am here to help, support and advise parents and carers who have any worries or concerns about their children, school life or personal circumstances. I offer the promise of a listening ear, appropriate support and signposting for those in need. I am here to provide a seamless link between home and school that provides a positive attitude towards education.
What do we do?
-Encourage positive links between school and home
-Help parents and carers feel confident to engage with their childs learning
-Assist and support around transition stages
-Help with issues around attendance
-Signpost to other agencies
-Deliver evidence-based parenting support
How do we do this?
-Work with pupils to offer individual support